This time of year is renowned for new year resolutions 
You decide you have had enough and want to lose weight, get fit or tone up. 

Each year you make the same promises to yourself. You get really motivated (which is great) – 

You join the gym. 
Do a detox. 
Go running. 
Go on the latest fad diet. 

You start off so motivated. 
But then the motivation wears off. 
The diet becomes harder to stick to. 
You start to compromise and become complacent. 
You come up with excuses for not training. 
And soon enough you are back to your old ways. 
Struggling to see how everyone else can do it but why can’t you!! 

A lot of the time you fail before you even really got started. 
You set your ambitions too high. Going from zero exercise to training 6 days a week, which is unnecessary!! 
You try to stick to a diet that restricts everything 24/7 which is also unnecessary to lose weight. 
You go on a detox, spending loads of money on shakes lose a bit of weight but again is unnecessary – but if it kickstarts your fat loss you need a plan post detox so you can continue what you started (planning is key) 

To get it right you first have to make a plan that fits around you and that you can stick to month in and month out. 
The plan may need to be flexible; or may need to be altered or adjusted as you progress (hence the need of a coach and training community). 

At Fitness Hub 21 we aim to help you set realistic goals based on what you need to change and are willing to change. 

You don’t have to suffer to get results. 
You need to enjoy the process and see a result. 
You need to understand how fat loss works and have a diet built around you that you can sustain. 
You need to train consistently 2-4 x a week and move more in your day to day lives. 
You need coaches who can work with you and help you along the way. Who get it and understand how you feel. 
You need people to train with and share the journey with. 
You need to do this for you. 
You are worth it. 
You have it in you to achieve. 
You just need the right environment to allow you to do this. 

At Fitness Hub 21 – 
We don’t judge you. 
We support you. 

There are no egos. 
Just a great community that know exactly how you feel. 

We don’t humiliate you if you can’t do something. 
We teach you how to do it and help you become more confident in your ability. 

This New Year. 
Do something different to get a better result than last year. 
Join us for our 30 day trial and see why we are the best fit for you. 

For more info email or check out our website