I think New Years is a great time to reflect on the year that’s passed and set some goals for the year ahead. 

For most people its weight loss and it’s a cycle they repeat year in and year out with no real success. 

We focus so much on weight loss that we forget about our own health. 

Dieting is hard, and most of the diets are so restrictive you can’t sustain them. Dieting doesn’t teach you about Optimal Health; it’s main goal is losing weight on the scale and sometimes it comes at the expense of our health.  

Optimal health comprises 6 main areas -  







These areas often aren’t considered when starting a diet to lose weight – the main focus of a diet often focuses on losing weight at all costs and ignores the importance of these 6 areas in our lives. At times the diets we go on start to compromise these areas of health that we should be nurturing and growing.  

Yes; losing weight is important for emotional stability, our state of mind, how we look and feel, how we socialise with others etc it’s the method of how we do it that needs to change. 

Find a way of eating that fits your life, extreme dieting works but the end result is usually weight gain and a rollercoaster of yo-yo eating that leaves you emotionally and physical drained and they take you away from your social circles as you can’t enjoy yourself. 

If you seek health first you will start to eat healthier, you will eat less junk food and processed snacks. You will look for healthier options and drink less alcohol. You will want to exercise as it will improve your strength and fitness. You will find a balance that works, that you can maintain; and you learn what works for you so that you can sustain it. 

I am not saying it’s easy, sometimes the crash diet is a great kickstart; but you can’t be on a diet 12 months of the year.  

You need a base plan and structure, you need to educate yourself and take responsibility for your own journey. 

Making these changes to seek health will build on the 6 areas above and make you a more rounded healthy person AND you will more than likely lose weight at the same time.  

We aim to help our members in these areas, we are available to work on a structure that fits them, to support them on their journey and if needed move into healthy eating plans based on calories and optimal health. 

Contact us for more information on our 30 day trial