Day 1 – November 2019


Lunge Matrix - forward and back 5/5

Lunge Matrix - side to side 5/5

Double Step Rotation - 10 each side

MB Close chest passes - 20

MB Close side passes - 10 each side

Take a few steps back and repeat the MB passes

Down Dog to pigeon - 5 each side

90 90 Hip flow - 5 each side


Activations are used pre workout to do just that - activate the muscles you need for your workout. We focus on glutes, shoulders and hamstrings in this one as we are prepping for deadlifts and chest press in the workout.

Banded pull throughs (glutes) - 12

Blackbird variation (shoulders) - 6

Hamstring swing - 10 each side

2 sets


We have a small section of our workouts usually 5-6 mins long at the start or end of the workout that seeks to work on fitness, strength and skill. We try to keep these varied and interesting but also want to help clients move better, get stronger and have fun.

KB Swings x 15 or KB Romanian Deadlift x 10

Elephant Crawls - one length

DB Shoulder Punches up and out 8/8

As many rounds as possible for 6 mins