Ab workout with minimal equipment

Try this simple but effective ab workout using just a dumbbell, or even just body weight. Plank Leg Lifts x 10 Side Plank Reach Throughs x 8 each side Hollow Hold - 30s High/Low Chop - 10 each side Rest 90s 5 sets

Dynamic warm up 2

Low step up (side to side, forward and back) - 10 secs of each In and out squats - 15 Squat to stand - 10 Down dog to toe taps - 5 Double step rotation - 10 each side WGS with hamstring stretch - 4 each side Backwards step and reach - 5 each leg Cossacks - 5 each side...

Upper body mobilisation

Mobilising and then activating the upper body. Standing pec stretch - 5 each side Rockback off bench - 8 Reach through rotation - 6 each side Stick retraction - 5 low, 5 high Stick overheads - 10 Band pull aparts - 10 Band overheads - 10 Wall angels - 12 Wall squats -...

20 min express workout with no equipment

30s on 10s off 1. Prisoner Squats 2. Inchworms 3. Cossacks 4. Push Up Rotations 5. Hamstring Walkouts 6. Bear Crawl Sit Outs 7. Reverse Lunges Rest 60s 4-5 sets

Dynamic warm up 2

Low step up (side to side, forward and back) - 10 secs of each In and out squats - 15 Squat to stand - 10 Down dog to...

Upper body mobilisation

Mobilising and then activating the upper body. Standing pec stretch - 5 each side Rockback off bench - 8 Reach through...

No equipment circuit

Todays home workout has no equipment which gives you no excuse as to why you can't train at home (or on holiday!). 1....

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