Slider lunges

An exercise that you can do at home or at the gym which doesn't require any weights. Targets your legs. Stand with a slider under one foot and then slide that foot to the side, sitting back into your hips. Stand back upright and then slide the leg backwards, before...

Alligator crawl sliders

A challenging ab and upper body exercise. You can make it easier by taking away the slider. A fun way to train your abs and get better at moving better Hold a high plank position with your feet on the sliders, bracing your abs. Then start to drag yourself along the...

SLIDERS: Mount Climbers, rev lunges, plank sliders, leg curls

A challenging workout using just bodyweight and a pair of sliders. 10 x mountain climber pairs 10 x reverse lunges 10 x plank sliders 10 x leg curls Rest 60-90s 5 sets

Alligator crawl sliders

A challenging ab and upper body exercise. You can make it easier by taking away the slider. A fun way to train your...

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