Don’t make the same mistakes as last year

If you want a different result, do something different. Doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result won't work. Make a plan. Action it. Keep it simple. Be realistic with what you can do. Readjust your goals. Just get started - the timing will...

Focus on health, not just fat loss

This year switch your focus away from just fat loss. Health is so much more important than just aiming to lose weight. Some diets are unhealthy and they don't teach you how to eat and what you need to eat to be healthy. Jumping from diet to diet isn't a great long...

Avoid groundhog day this New Year by shifting your priorities

Don't do what you did last year and hope for a different result. If your attempt to lose weight and get fit last year didn't work then do something different this year. Shift your priorities. You start off so motivated but then the motivation wears off. The diet...

Post Christmas blues – get yourself moving vlog

We all may feel a little delicate the day after Christmas day, especially if you partied too much or indulged more than usual. You may feel achy, dehydrated, bloated, lethargic or just feel normal. Can I encourage you to get moving - go for a walk, get outside or get...