Exercise Technique

Tips to improve your chin ups

Here are a few tips to improve your chin ups. https://youtu.be/2tDekQ4sFsU

Walking lunges

Walking lunges involve using a lunge to travel forward, as the name suggests! This videos includes some variations which you can add to your training to create variety. Lunges target your lower body and test your balance. https://youtu.be/4udRA-0nF6E

Goblet forward lunge

Forward lunges target your legs and test your balance. Adding a weight in a goblet position adds difficulty by increasing the load. Hold your KB or DB up by your chest in a goblet position and take a step forward with your right leg, coming into a lunge. Your knee...

Cable side lunge row

A cable exercise that targets both your legs and your back. Holding on to the handles of the cable, take a step to the side coming into a side lunge while simultaneously rowing the handles into your chest. Return to the middle and stretch your arms back out to the...

Ring row variations

Using the rings to perform a row with either straight legs (harder) or table top position (easier). Both of these...

Single arm ring rows

If you're looking to make ring rows more challenging then why don't you give this a try. Single arm ring rows are far...

Ring assisted chin ups

If your goal is to be able to do chin ups by yourself then doing these ring assisted chins may help. You are lifting...

Squat throws

These are a great way to warm up or build into your training programme. Great for hand eye coordination, strength in...

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TRX jackknife

A great way to build ab and upper body strength. Not so easy to do - but a great progression from normal planks. Hold...

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TRX pike

A progression from the TRX Jacknife A great core exercise that also helps build upper body strength. Hold a plank...

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Bench leg raises

Another great ab exercise. You need to be in control of the whole movement to get the maximum effect. Lie on a bench...

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Vertical pallof press

This is great ab exercise that involves contracting the core as you try to stop the bands pulling you into extension....

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