Exercise Technique

Row variations

Row variations using a cable or dumbbells, all targeting your back. https://youtu.be/M--R2DjEZqQ

Ring pull throughs

A great alternative to pullovers to help develop straight arm back strength. Set up the rings so they are close to the floor. Kneel on a mat and hold onto the rings, one in each hand. Keeping your arms straight, push the rings out in front of you, feeling a stretch on...

Banded chin ups

Using a resistance band attached to a bar to assist with chin ups to work your back. The heavier the band (green is heaviest, black is lightest), the more assistance the band will give you. Holding on to the bar, put one knee in the band and hang straight down. Pull...

Ring row variations

Using the rings to perform a row with either straight legs (harder) or table top position (easier). Both of these exercises will target your back. Lean back while holding on to the rings, making sure your body is in a straight line. Pull yourself towards the rings,...

Row variations

Row variations using a cable or dumbbells, all targeting your back. https://youtu.be/M--R2DjEZqQ

Ring pull throughs

A great alternative to pullovers to help develop straight arm back strength. Set up the rings so they are close to the...

Banded chin ups

Using a resistance band attached to a bar to assist with chin ups to work your back. The heavier the band (green is...

Cable squat rows

Squat rows target your lower body as well as your upper body and are a great way to add variety to your training. Very...

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Split squat DB curls

Combining legs and biceps, this is quite a challenging exercise not only on your legs and arms but on overall balance...

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Battle rope variations

The battle rope is a great fitness tool, and will definitely get your heart rate up while working your arms. Here are...

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Pulley is a great all body exercise, especially for upper back strength. Hold on to the rope and pull down on it,...

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Squat throws

These are a great way to warm up or build into your training programme. Great for hand eye coordination, strength in...

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