Exercise Technique

Powerbag squats

Variations of squats with a powerbag to target your legs and keep your training varied, interesting, and enjoyable. Front squats, back squats, bear hug squat. https://youtu.be/dALbLY-NDkQ

Powerbag ab exercises

Two ab exercises using the powerbag. Plank Pull Throughs - hold a high plank position with the powerbag on your right hand side. Grab the bag with your left hand and drag it under your plank to the left hand side. Try to keep your hips as still as you can by tensing...

Cable chest fly single arm forward lunge

A different way of doing cable flys, the single arm version is more dynamic and challenges your strength and balance. https://youtu.be/yjDbuhoG1po

Push up variations

Here are some push up variations you can try to increase the difficulty of the push up or simply try some different variations in your next workout. https://youtu.be/5ObgiEIWz9k

Powerbag squats

Variations of squats with a powerbag to target your legs and keep your training varied, interesting, and enjoyable....

Powerbag ab exercises

Two ab exercises using the powerbag. Plank Pull Throughs - hold a high plank position with the powerbag on your right...

Banded push ups

Using a band attached to a bar to help with push ups. Put the band around your chest, and then lower yourself towards...

Push up variations

Here are some push up variations you can try to increase the difficulty of the push up or simply try some different...

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Walking lunges

Walking lunges involve using a lunge to travel forward, as the name suggests! This videos includes some variations...

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Goblet forward lunge

Forward lunges target your legs and test your balance. Adding a weight in a goblet position adds difficulty by...

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Cable side lunge row

A cable exercise that targets both your legs and your back. Holding on to the handles of the cable, take a step to the...

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Single leg squat row

A great progression to the normal squat rows which works on single leg and upper body strength. Come down in to a...

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