Exercise Technique

Powerbag offset lunges

Holding the powerbag on one side to make the lunge more challenging. Targets your legs while challenging your balance. Hold the powerbag in your left hand and then lunge forward with your right leg. You can also try lunging with the bag on the same side as the leg...

Powerbag lunges

Lunge variations with a powerbag to add more variety to your training, keeping it fresh and fun. Forward or Reverse lunge variations, front hold lunges, and back hold Lunges. These will target your legs while challenging your balance....

Powerbag shoulder exercises

A few different shoulder exercises you can do with a Powerbag - push press, side to side push press in a squat or split stance. https://youtu.be/pcqvYTBtiV4

Powerbag combo

Single exercises you can learn to build a combination. Romanian deadlifts, cleans, front squats, push press. Targets your whole body and will get your heart rate up if you do the combination a few times through! Start practicing them separately, and then start putting...

Powerbag lunges

Lunge variations with a powerbag to add more variety to your training, keeping it fresh and fun. Forward or Reverse...

Powerbag shoulder exercises

A few different shoulder exercises you can do with a Powerbag - push press, side to side push press in a squat or...

Powerbag combo

Powerbag combo

Single exercises you can learn to build a combination. Romanian deadlifts, cleans, front squats, push press. Targets...

Powerbag squats

Variations of squats with a powerbag to target your legs and keep your training varied, interesting, and enjoyable....

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Powerbag ab exercises

Two ab exercises using the powerbag. Plank Pull Throughs - hold a high plank position with the powerbag on your right...

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Banded chin ups

Using a resistance band attached to a bar to assist with chin ups to work your back. The heavier the band (green is...

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Ring row variations

Using the rings to perform a row with either straight legs (harder) or table top position (easier). Both of these...

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Single arm ring rows

If you're looking to make ring rows more challenging then why don't you give this a try. Single arm ring rows are far...

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Push up variations

Here are some push up variations you can try to increase the difficulty of the push up or simply try some different...

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